Spelunking Scripture - January 2022

Hooray for 2022! We don’t know what this new year will bring, but it’s got to be better than 2021, and certainly better than 2020. The pandemic just drags on and on, with no end in sight. Yet, things are better than they were. With the vaccination rate slowly increasing, maybe we will feel less vulnerable as the year goes along.

I spent much of the pandemic shutdown in 2020-2021 writing “Spelunking Scripture” Bible study books. Three books were published in 2021, with another due to be released in 2022. The three currently in print are:

• Spelunking Scripture: Christmas
• Spelunking Scripture: The Letters of Paul
• Spelunking Scripture: Acts and the General Epistles of the New Testament

All are available on the Good Faith Media website, and there are a few copies in the church offices of Village Baptist Church and The First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C.

The fourth book in the series, Spelunking Scripture: Easter should come out early in 2022.

Two articles (thus far) have been published in the Nurturing Faith Journal. In the September-October 2021 issue, “Spelunking Scripture” introduced the series. In the November-December 2021 issue, “Staying the Course” reflected on my 33 years as pastor of Village Baptist Church in Bowie, Maryland. Be on the lookout for more articles in future issues of Nurturing Faith Journal.

A SHOUTOUT to Carlynn Thompson who created the format for this spelunkingscripture.com web site and who has continued to update it by posting these blogs and adding info about the books as they are published.

And thanks to the Managing Editor at Good Faith Media, Bruce Gourley, the Executive Editor of Nurturing Faith Journal, Johnny Pierce, and Senior Copyeditor, Jackie Riley, for all their help with the books and the journal articles!