Spelunking Scripture - March 2022

Spelunking Scripture: Easter was released on March 1, 2022. It is available on the Good Faith Media website, and from Amazon and B/N. The book is the fourth in the “Spelunking Scripture” series of Bible study books, joining Christmas, The Letters of Paul, and Acts and the General Epistles of the New Testament.

All four books in the Spelunking Scripture series explore some of the most important passages of Bible. In the endorsement which appears on the back cover of the Easter book, Dr. Bill Leonard, Founding Dean of the School of Divinity of Wake Forest University, writes:

"As with other volumes in his Spelunking Scripture series, Bruce Salmon’s focus on Easter blends excellent biblical exegesis with insightful homiletical story. The book carries us to and through the Lenten and Easter related texts, facilitating and encouraging gospel responses for our own times."

As I write in the Introduction to the Easter book, “The resurrection of Jesus is the linchpin of the Christian faith. As Paul wrote, ‘If Christ hasn’t been raised, then your faith in worthless’ (1 Cor. 15:17a CEB). The goal of this study is to move beneath the surface of the stories to explore what the resurrection of Jesus means for our lives.”

The Easter book contains studies on the accounts of the Resurrection in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as well as some of the post-resurrection appearances of the risen Jesus to his disciples. As we examine each passage, we move beyond the details of the narrative to probe how it speaks to us, and to seek connections with life today.

Easter is the most important day of the Christian year, but the message of Easter permeates every day of our lives as Christians. In the study, each resurrection narrative, or post-resurrection appearance, is interpreted by three sermons. The sermons are designed to bring the resurrection of Jesus into our time and circumstance, and to enable us to recognize the risen Christ in our midst.

As with the other three books in the series, Spelunking Scripture: Easter is designed for group and individual study. Each chapter concludes with Questions for Discussion/Reflection.